Winter solstice, 19. -23 .December 2019
Featuring Don Conreaux and Tina Maria Stahl

SAT NAM JI, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tina Maria. My passion is to conduct trainings and courses in how to play the Gong, Gongbath and especially Gong Pujas. Over the years I have developed training programs in Aqua Yoga which is inspired by Kundalini yoga – selected yoga exercises, breath techniques and mantra meditation in 34-degree warm water. I teach classes on a weekly basis at hospitals and warm water spa in Copenhagen.

I met my beloved teacher Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga at a young age. It was at the summer of 1981 at the kundalini Yoga camp in Loches, France. Later that summer on the 2nd of September, which was my 21st birthday, Yogi Bhajan taught a Rebirthing Workshop in my hometown Copenhagen. That was to be the beginning of a lifetime dedication to live, teach and share the teachings.

On yogiji’s advice I went to live in Holland in 1982 and was closely connected to the Dutch sangat in Amsterdam for 16 years. Yogi Ji introduced me to Sat Nam Rasayan and the Gong in the early 1990’ies, now with almost 30 years’ experience, I am the founder and daily leader of Gong-Academy and Kundalini Yoga Denmark. I have studied Sat Nam Rasayan Healing with Guru Dev Singh since 1994 and holds a SNR L2 degree.

After some years of absence, The Gong came back into my life in 2015 and I began studies with Mehtab and Laura Benton. In 2018 I traveled with Grand Gong Master Don Conreaux, Gong muse Surana through Slovenia, Bosnia and Croatia with 30 Gong Players from all over the world for the Gong Caravan of Peace[1] and in 2019 I attended the first ever Gong Teacher Training program with Don Conreaux and is working closely together with Rolf Nitsch from Gongland.de

I am honored and happy to inform you that Don has appointed me his personal assistant during the Kundalini Yoga Winter Solstice Festival in Holland this coming winter 2019 where we will teach 2 Gong Puja workshops, offer an all-night Gong Puja and introduce Gong Yoga.


Greetings in Love and Light from Tina Maria Sat Ram Kaur

[1] The Gong Caravan of Peace is organizing free concerts throughout the Balkan region, offering Sacred Healing sound of the Gong to areas that has been devastated by the pain and horrors of war.