Gong-Academy intro workshop and Gongbath.

We are very happy to introduce a Gong-Academy intro workshop for beginners to the Gong as well as a wonderful gongbath.



The first intro workshop will take place 11.00am-01.00pm the 6th of October  at “Dansekapellet” in Copenhagen and will include both an intro to the basic Gong strokes and the opportunity to experience a gongbath 2.00-3.00pm.

The Intro-price is:
Workshop kr. 250,- normal price kr. 350,- (max 12 participants)
Gongbath  kr. 150,- normal price kr. 200,-
Workshop + Gongbath kr. 300,-

We will serve Yogi Tea and fruit between the workshop and Gongbath.

At the workshop you will be introduced to:
-gongs, mallets and flumies
-basis gongstrokes
-deep listening to the gong
-different types of and sizes of gongs

For any questions please contact us on